Monday, March 12, 2012

WEEK 10: 35 miles and Spring Ahead 3-miler

Monday: elliptical x 35min
Tuesday: Core + a struggle on the TM; LOG 4
Wed: Pisgah OCR with Griffin.  Muddy/Icy; LOG 6
Thursday: 0 Stomach bug
Friday: 6 easy with Tat...starting to get rid of the bug; LOG 6
Saturday: Spring ahead 3-miler with Greg in Concord; 22:12; LOG 7
Sunday: 12 on putney roads while Greg and Fyffe were out and about as well; LOG 12

Ahhh I have been struggling for 5 weeks and Saturday was the first day in a very loooong time that I felt like a runner again.  My legs felt like they were with me instead of totally against me.  Not sure why.  I did stop the calcium supplements...conincidence?  I will try to work them in a couple times a week only.  Or am I just finally healthy following the head cold and a stomach bug this week?  I had a stomach bug midweek- not a violent onslaught like I've been hearing others have had- but rather a steady state of motion sickness (a couple barfs) for 3 days.  Enough of a disturbance to lose a couple pounds!  I was really starting to get stressed, so I hope that this is a turnaround. 

The race was fun.  I love going to little races with my husband!  And since I haven't had any good workouts in awhile I guess it's good to add these shorter races to replace them.  We got there early and warmed up on the course.  It was pretty flat with one hill.  Nothing exciting to report, I just felt good.  Didn't run particualrly fast, but good enough to win a package of oreos and a gift card.  I'll take it.  I also got out my Addidas Mana shoes- light with a slightly lower heel drop.  I've been a little intrigued with "natural running" after watching the video James posted (below).  Not that I want to be a barefoot runner, but I want to continue to work on my form and core strength.  After my miles on Sunday I did a couple hill sprints (not a steep hill) and even ran a couple minutes barefoot on the street.  It is a cool feeling or maybe its the great weather.  I won't mess with things too much in the midst of marathon training, but my already too big of a shoe collection may get bigger as I try some different shoes out....sorry honey!  Anyway, this is the video I think I will consult a few more times...

I made the decision during my nausea and growing frustration at 5 low mileage weeks, that I need to "train through"  New Bedford HM.  I realize this sounds funny, if not ridiculous,  coming from the midpack, but for my peace of mind I'm not going to be upset if I don't PR Sunday because I am not going to cut my mileage this week.  In fact I should be at or above 50, if I have a good time at NB then great.  I even decided not to wear a watch.  Maybe I can pickup a half this fall after Pisgah. 

So I have a plan for the next coming weeks- bigger mileage, more core and drills, and no stressing out.  It's a process, and I love it!

1 comment:

  1. He Jen, Glad you liked the video. I got it from a site called The guy who writes it is an exercise physiologist from Manchester. It's a great site, especially if you like running shoes.
