Monday, March 19, 2012

WEEK 11: 49 miles and New Bedford 10 miler

Monday: 7 in Pisgah "with" Greg, Fyffe, and Griffin.  Got left at the top waiting by myself!  Log 7
Tuesday: TM with pickups + core; Log 6
Wednesday: Railtrail in Winchester waiting for my car; LOG 7
Thursday: Progression run on TM; LOG 5
Friday: Wheelock loop from Tats's: LOG 6
Saturday:  Pisgah to Lily Pond OAB; Log 3
Sunday: 2 mile warmup; New Bedford "half marathon"; LOG 15

Crap week.  Not sure I gained a thing.  I got the miles but I'm thinking I need to stop just chasing miles and make sure I'm getting longer more quality running in.  That was made evident by my effort at New Bedford.  I'm calling it a 10 miler because at 10 miles I was at 8:05 13.1 miles I ended with an 8:24 pace overall...ouch.  I was just tired, went out too fast, and didn't run smart.  Bad move not to wear a watch.  I didn't because I didn't want to start berating myself for a couple slow miles like I usually do, in the end it may have helped me not go out so fast had I been wearing a watch.  Need to change the self-talk and use the watch right.  There are clocks on course but I didn't realize it took me a full minute to get to the start mat and "my" time was a 1:01 off... I was only subtracting 20-30 seconds. I really did feel good the first 6 miles and thought I was going to come close to my PR, but the wind at 7-8 got to me even though I was expecting it. I fueled and took water, but just couldn't get my feet to turnover.  I get more disappointed the more I think about it.  I went in not expecting to PR or even try but other than that didn't really have a plan.  Another big mistake.  Should always have a plan for a longer race like this.  Next year...this will be a goal race and I will try for a PR then.  For the next 10 weeks I need to get my self together and focus on Vermont City.  Now i'm really nervous.  Bouncing a few ideas around in my head about how to go about it, I feel like I'm running out of time.  It's a process, and I love it...

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